Economic Impact
The Franklin County hospital systems share a common belief that high-quality health care, accessible to all central Ohioans, not only improves the quality of life for residents, but also contributes to the safety, vitality, and economic competitiveness of our entire region. The Central Ohio Hospital Council conducted a study on the significant impacts our hospitals contribute to the region’s economy. Among the strongest economic drivers in central Ohio, our hospitals contribute billions of dollars each year to the area’s robust economy through job growth, payroll taxes and our purchasing power.
The study provides an analysis on the hospitals’ economic impact in 2021. Data from the four hospital systems (Franklin County hospitals only) includes:

The analysis of the above data sets shows, in 2021:
- Franklin County hospitals directly contributed $8.6 billion to the economy of the region (10-county MSA).
- Including the hospitals’ purchases from local suppliers and hospital and supplier employees’ purchases of household goods and services from their wages, the impact on the regional economy was $19.4 billion.
- Visitor spending generated an economic impact of $69.9 million. Franklin County hospitals attracted 51,200 patients in 2021, 22% of all inpatients in each year. These patients came from all 88 counties of Ohio, 49 states and the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, and from outside the U.S.
- Hospitals directly employed 49,325. In addition, there were 27,600 jobs sustained due to hospital construction and purchases from suppliers. When including the purchases of employees of construction companies and suppliers, an additional 45,700 jobs were sustained. The total number of jobs sustained due to hospital activity is 127,700.
To review a summary of hospitals’ economic impact, click here. To view the full report, click here.